Source code for project.multidb

Select database based on URL variable

Inspired by `this Django snipped <>`_.

It's assumed that any view in the system with a cfg keyword argument passed to
it from the urlconf may be routed to a separate database. for example::

  url( r'^(?P<db>\w+)/account/$', 'views.account' )

The middleware and router will select a database whose alias is <db>,
**default** if no db argument is given and raise a 404 exception if not listed in
**settings.DATABASES**, all completely transparent to the view itself.
import threading
from django.http import Http404

request_cfg = threading.local()

[docs]class MultiDbRouterMiddleware(object): """ The Multidb router middelware. he middleware process_view (or process_request) function sets some context from the URL into thread local storage, and process_response deletes it. In between, any database operation will call the router, which checks for this context and returns an appropriate database alias. Add this to your middleware, for example:: MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES += ['project.multidb.MultiDbRouterMiddleware'] """ def process_view(self, request, view_func, args, kwargs): if 'db' in kwargs: request_cfg.db = kwargs['db'] request.SELECTED_DATABASE = request_cfg.db def process_response(self, request, response): if hasattr(request_cfg, 'db'): del request_cfg.db return response
[docs]class MultiDbRouter(object): """ The multiple database router. Add this to your Django database router configuration, for example:: DATABASE_ROUTERS += ['project.multidb.MultiDbRouter'] """ def _multi_db(self): from django.conf import settings if hasattr(request_cfg, 'db'): if request_cfg.db in settings.DATABASES: return request_cfg.db else: raise Http404 else: return 'default' def db_for_read(self, model, **hints): if model._meta.app_label != 'banana': return 'default' return self._multi_db() db_for_write = db_for_read
[docs]def multidb_context_processor(request): """ This context processor will add a db_name to the request. Add this to your Django context processors, for example:: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS +=[ 'project.multidb.multidb_context_processor'] """ if hasattr(request, 'SELECTED_DATABASE'): return {'db_name': request.SELECTED_DATABASE} else: return {}